• Fall in Love with the Revolution | Venus Enters Aquarius
Fall in Love with the Revolution | Venus Enters Aquarius

Fall in Love with the Revolution | Venus Enters Aquarius

December 7th, 00:13 am CT | Until January 2nd

Did the fight for equality and class struggle suddenly become way more attractive? We can probably thank Luigi for that, but the ingress of Venus in Aquarius certainly marked this occasion nicely.

Why do I say that? Because Aquarius is the bringer of new times, technology, modern views, and most importantly - EQUALITY! Aquarius is pouring the essence of life from the sky and we are all equally entitled to it. But, somehow, the majority of us are willing to participate in an illusion that some people deserve to have a better life than others. And while I understand them, the message of Venus in Aquarius resonates much more with me.


Free Love

Freedom isn't the permission to do whatever you want, but the possession of enough space you need for growth. This includes cultural, emotional, and physical space. Venus in Aquarius won't bring radical change immediately, but you will probably notice how things are changing and your individuality can shine more, especially in relationships.

You will likely be attracted to originality during this time, and to people who rebel against conformity. What are you waiting for? Express your disdain for inequality and watch your flood with love letters.


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In natal charts, this is a position shared by Pope Francis, Janis Joplin, Harry Styles, Mozart, etc. All of these people, and many more had/have an idea of free love that goes against the current norms. Pope Francis might seem like an exception until you ask a conservative Christian what he thinks about Francis' views on homosexuality...

One more advice for love, this is a good time to see what kind of value you want your relationships to bring to your future.


Free Ideas

There are so many memes all over the internet that are justifying and celebrating murder. There were times in history when something similar happened, but since I have been alive, for the last 30 years, I haven't seen this in Western culture to this degree. Venus didn't only ingress into Aquarius, it also made a trine with Uranus just before and it was conjunct with Pluto. Radical ideas (Uranus) about death (Pluto). We all want more equality and freedom to live our best lives, and it now become clear that the real obstacle is class divisions. Don't forget that Venus also signifies wealth and abundance. Aquarius wants us all to have an equal amount! Or at least, how much we need and truly deserve.

Pluto in Aquarius a month ago made us realize change is necessary, and Venus made us fall in love with it.

Written by Diego T.

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