When I read a woman’s chart, I always look at four asteroid goddesses—Ceres, Pallas, Juno, and Vesta. They are modern additions to astrology, so not everyone knows about them, but I’ve found them incredibly important. Each one helps you tap into a specific strength in your life - nurturing and self-care (Ceres), wisdom and strategy (Pallas), commitment and partnership (Juno), and devotion and sacred focus (Vesta).
These energies were missing from a more traditional lifestyle of women, but right now, they are extremely relevant. Asteroid Goddesses are not limited to gender but offer valuable insight into how individuals of all identities experience care, success, relationships, and personal purpose. However, in people who identify as male or more with masculine energy, they might see these asteroids manifest themselves in feminine energies around them or through the women in their lives.
Let's first focus on Ceres.
Ceres – The Great Mother
Ceres represents how we nurture and care for others, as well as our relationship with abundance, self-care, and nourishment. The house she’s in reveals where you provide support and how you experience emotional fulfillment. However, the need to "give" often comes from a lack we felt within early on in life, so Ceres might also indicate something that has been taken away from us or we felt was/still is missing.
1st House: People naturally turn to you for care and guidance. This blessing often shapes your identity, so many people end up depending on you. You can sometimes miss feeling close to yourself and supporting your own vision of self. If you learn how to care well for yourself, you will feel much more fulfilled.
2nd House: You don't have an issue giving and providing for others, as a matter of fact, you enjoy being generous with your resources. However, you might not feel like things often slip through your hands, and nothing remains permanently in your possession. Focus on being financially responsible and invest smartly.
3rd House: You often act as a guide or a teacher to the dear people around you. All kind of quotes and wise insights fly out of you. Despite this passion for guiding others, you often feel like nobody understands your path and you have to fend for yourself. Realizing that "you got this!" and all the answers are within you, is the key for happy life.
4th House: Having a stable family and a rich home life are central to your sense of emotional fulfillment. This need will make you incredibly loyal, despite you sometimes feeling like you are the only one understanding the family situation and trying hard to fix it. Letting others make their own choices and accepting them for who they are will make your life much easier.
5th House: Creativity, children, and joy are how you express your nurturing energy. You are an amazing person to have around that always knows how to lift the spirits. But no matter how much attention you give, you might feel like you never get enough, especially in romantic relationships. Learn how to ask for what you want, and you will receive it.
6th House: You care for others through practical support, service, and acts of kindness. Your fulfillment often comes from helping people improve their lives, whether through work, health, or daily routines. But this need to be present and help can be overwhelming, so don't forget your own well-being before caregiving becomes exhausting.
7th House: Care for your partners, whether in love or business, comes most naturally. When you can take care of your life-companion, you feel most stable. However, you often struggle when you don't have that special person next to you or you can go too far in relationships too soon. Learning how to set boundaries with people you love and how to be enough for yourself, are two crucial skills for you.
8th House: People can always count on you to understand them deeply and offer a safe space for transformation. For this reason you are drawn to psychology and esoteric practices. By supporting others through their crisis, you can often be stuck in that destructive cycle yourself. You need to find your safe space, but once you do, you will be the rock everyone can lean on.
9th House: You like when people around you are intellectual, philosophical and cultured. And if they are not, you are a perfect person to encourage such behavior and usher people on a path of exploration. However, you often feel like you don't have enough to offer intellectually. That is of course not true, and some life experience is needed to move past such doubts.
10th House: Your career will most likely revolve around supporting others on their way to success - often the marginalized groups who don't have a good head start. However, you can feel like the right opportunities have never been give to you. Continue down your path of nourishing ambitions around you and yours will come to flourish as well.
11th House: A lot of your energy goes into nurturing friendships and social causes that promote equality for all. Your emotional fulfillment is tied to being a part of something larger, however, on that journey you can feel like your achievements aren't being celebrated or rewarded enough. Give it time, and they will be.
12th House: You support others silently, perfectly opening space so those close to you can grow at their own pace and their preferred direction. Because of your incredible patience you never force anyone to do anything, but this quality can leave you feeling passive and without nothing valuable to add to your community. That is of course no true, you need to give yourself space you provide for others and figure where your passion lies at your own pace.