• Wounded Healers | Sun Square Neptune
Wounded Healers | Sun Square Neptune

Wounded Healers | Sun Square Neptune

December 18th, 8:28 am CT
Felt from 12th until 25th December

Neptune is great at hiding, and when it hits the Sun like it does now, it can hide who we are (from ourselves) pretty well. Our core self (Sun) is no longer easily defined (Neptune). However, Neptune doesn't just make us invisible, it launches us into another dimension that we ourselves created without knowing. This dimension is called "our hopes and fears." I feel more hopeful these days, and as an astrologer, I would attribute that to my tendency to see the future in a bright light and feed my imagination with things that make me happy. So, if that dimension is more fear-inducing for you, try your best to avoid negative thoughts. Research proved that getting rid of negative thoughts is much more important for happy life than having more positive thoughts. You can start now.


Dissolution of Willpower

The Sun doesn't have much support right now from other planets so this aspect with Neptune is more detrimental than it would usually be. There is uncertainty (Neptune) about leadership (Sun) all over the world. Great examples are drones uncontrollably (Neptune) flying over New Jersey and New York and the government (Sun) is providing no answers. We can also expect misinformation (Neptune) to run rampant, which isn't surprising anymore, but in these few weeks, it will become more apparent.

Maybe you noticed how your willpower (Sun) is wavering (Neptune) right now. My certainly is, but at the same time, it became easier to identify myself with my dreams more than with things I "need to do", which I know will, in turn, make things I "need to do" easier to do in the future. So that is one good thing we can get from this aspect.


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Uncertain Origins

There is some uncertainty (Neptune) about the origin story (Sun) of almost all the people born with this aspect. The first one who comes to mind is Barack Obama who suffered years of lies (Neptune) from the opposition about his place of birth (Sun). Then we have Lady Gaga who burst on the scene (Sun) out of nowhere (Neptune). I was a kid, but I still remember how she was accused of being the making of the industry, a trans man, and whatnot... Her real name (Sun) was unknown (Neptune) for a while as well. We also have Prince Harry whose real father (Sun) is brought into question (Neptune). Coco Chanel for example fabricated (Neptune) her backstory to create a more idealized public persona (Sun). Same with Che Guevara who was hiding (Neptune) his upper-middle-class upbringing to be more relatable.

The point is how during this transit we can expect a lot of lies floating around and misrepresentations (Neptune) of our identity (Sun). So, if it happens to you, just carry on. The eye of the public never blinks and it moves faster than light, don't be afraid of it.


Dreams of Hope

Nostalgia, heartbreak, misunderstanding, injustice, sickness, addiction... These are all birthplaces of hope. The biggest message of this transit is "Don't stop hoping." The upcoming Venus Trine Jupiter transit will help us in this endeavor.

Almost all people with Sun-Neptune square in their natal chart are inspiring characters. First that comes to mind again is Obama whose literal message during the first presidential elections was "HOPE." That is very fitting. Others would be Che Guevara, Lady Gaga, Amy Winehouse, Marcel Proust, Darren Aronofsky, Kate Bush, Paul McCartney, Jane Austen, Donald Glover, Carl Jung, etc. Through their actions or art, they all inspired people to change for the better.

However, they all have something else in common, the things they were all singing or fighting for were inspired by wounds from their past. What I take away from this is that these wounds (Neptune) will shape who you are (Sun) more during these 2 weeks. Ask yourself, "What do I want to change in this world?" or "Where have I been wounded that I know how to help others now?"

Hope isn't the end goal, it is a tool of change. Find it, and use it wisely.


Written by Diego T.

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