• When the Mind is Still | Mercury Direct
When the Mind is Still | Mercury Direct

When the Mind is Still | Mercury Direct

December 15th 2024, 2:56 pm CT | Until March 14th 2025

Finally, after 3 weeks we have Mercury going direct again. Did you have a nice Mercury Retrograde or did something unexpected happen? For me, these were great 3 weeks. I have refreshed my writing style, I started a book I love, and I strengthened a few important connections. But not everyone had their Mercury going through the auspicious 11th house.


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My friend's mother was visiting us in Kathmandu. She organized her itinerary to the last detail, which included a beautiful short hike to the Himalayas. A day before she came, she suddenly fell ill, but nothing serious. However, when she came, her ankles were swollen, she was disoriented, her face swollen, and it looked like everything colluded to stop her from doing anything on her itinerary. It was kind of a wasted trip in the end. Does this mean one shouldn't travel when Mercury is Retrograde? Not really, it just means that she needed this experience to get her thinking about priorities. Her health primarily. And I truly hope that this will set her in the right direction and not help her develop a disdain for travel.

During this direct period of Mercury, it is most important to integrate the lessons we got from challenges or insights gained during the retrograde period. In my case, I will continue writing in the improved way I learned, and I will try to think about the subjects that make me happy.


Written by Diego T.

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