• What is Astrology?
What is Astrology?

What is Astrology?

Astrology is the study of celestial movements and their correlation with life on Earth. Advances in psychology and sociology paved the path for astrology to abandon the more deterministic perspective it had in the past. Now, in modern times, this celestial science has a humanistic approach; helping the individual develop, heal, and grow is the primary goal. 


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I like to search for foundations. My theories about life and the Universe are the backbone for my understanding of astrology. Whenever I have trouble grasping an astrological idea while reading a chart, I can always fall back on a few fundamental concepts. The first one is not too surprising. I see the Universe as an alive and conscious being that is continuously changing. My second belief might be a bit more out there, though. I think Universe is changing on its own accord; I believe the Universe has agency, the freedom to choose its own path. How else would we, its children, have free will if what we are made of doesn’t inherently possess the same ability? But I will leave the details of these perspectives for another time, now, bare with me. The third thing I consider true is already, in one shape or form, present in all religions. I believe we are a small Universe created in the image of the larger one. However, I gave this belief a slight astrological twist. All the energy and matter in the infinity of time and space at the moment of our birth becomes us. The supernova in another galaxy, the black hole devouring a planet in the distant corner of existence, a nebula giving birth to a star, or even a small comet colliding with one of Jupiter’s satellites, if it happened at the moment of someone’s birth, those events are now a part of their existence, that moment now defines individual’s fate and personality. Our lives take part in the infinitely complex interactions between all living beings, each a captured conscious instance of a huge Universe capable of feeling our hearts and our intentions, we are an extension of the Universe, of everything around us. The Solar System is a home of our species (at least for now), so events that take place here are far more important for us than what happens in other sectors of space. So astrology (at least the traditional one) studies this little part of the Universe more than others. By observing celestial bodies in our Solar System we can better understand our personalities, life paths, potentials - all because of a rule d contained in an ancient axiom - as above, so below.



Written by Diego T.

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