December 7th, 2:57 pm CT
Felt from December 2nd until December 12th
As a kid, did you ever find yourself in the middle of a debate between two adults? Maybe while they were trying to prove something to each other and exchanging loud words over your head, you were just standing there hoping the discussion would end up in an agreement? That is how Earth feels right now trapped between the Sun and Jupiter, the two biggest bodies in our solar system.
The Sun is our soul, the force of life on the planet, including intelligence. While Jupiter is grace, wisdom, and morals. Is it more important to do what is right by ourselves or others? That is a big question this meeting of giants asks... Who's arguments win depends on your individual chart. But there is no single and truthful answer - looking for it would only be a waste of time. Relax and follow your story, lean into the side that feels natural to you and beneficial for your situation.
Is it Arrogance or Self-Confidence
You know that person who wants to hug everyone and make friends immediately? That is the Sun, it has no idea of who is an extrovert, who doesn't like physical touch, who prefers handshakes... The Sun does what it feels, simply expressing itself. It is Mercury's role to express the emotions of the Sun appropriately. Jupiter on the other hand develops theories on how one should act, follows codes of ethics, and cares deeply about belief systems. Just imagine how much Jupiter is judging Sun's carelessness, and how much the Sun doesn't care about Jupiter's ideas. But their meeting is inevitable.
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One possibility is that Jupiter and the Sun hate each other. Sun begins to sulk and Jupiter takes distance. This will result in arrogance and entitlement. During the time of this transit, you might think how your feelings or your beliefs are more important than others. You might even promise things falsely just to get on with the situation quicker because what you want to do is far more important... On the other hand, you will be more careful so that others don't 'trick' you in the same way. We see the world not as it is, but as we are.
The good side of this transit is grand vision and confidence. Sun and Jupiter finally saw eye to eye and they can combine the strength and reach of the Sun and ideas of Jupiter to create something beautiful. This energy is laid back and flowing. However, opposition is a hard aspect, and even when things go well, it's not without dangers. Sun should be at the helm, not Jupiter, but Jupiter needs to decide on the plan. This means that action is more important than words or planning. Don't give in to laziness and negligence. That path will only lead to the first possibility we described, laziness.
The Peace Between the Giants
How to get the best out of this transit? The recipe is actually quite simple, work on your vision and don't give up on yourself. Be humble and pay respect to your guides and partners. No matter how good you are, you will never, and you have never, done anything on your own. Humility is our greatest inner guardian, you can never go wrong with it.
Written by Diego T.