• The Desire for the Bizarre | Venus Square Uranus
The Desire for the Bizarre | Venus Square Uranus

The Desire for the Bizarre | Venus Square Uranus

December 28th, 1:41 am CT
Felt from December 23rd until January 3rd

This dynamic aspect brings the themes of disruption, innovation, and liberation in relationships, creative expression, and finances.

Relationships are the most common way Venus-Uranus manifests simply because the need for human contact is universal. Some people aren't that into other Venusian themes—they don't care about money, or they don't have to manage it themselves, and the creative arts are also not for everyone.


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Fear of Commitment

So, what does it mean when our love life is influenced by Uranus? First, the relationship (and the entire world of conventional partnerships) starts feeling too small, and the troubles that come with it are too mundane. You crave bigger challenges. You want to reinvent the wheel, construct a different relationship, and experiment with new types of love. If you are in some type of relationship, these urges can be summarized as "I need more space."

Famous astrologer Steve Arroyo wrote a book on this topic: "Relationships and Life Cycles: Astrological Patterns of Personal Experience." He had a practice near a military base, and he claims that 70% of women he saw for consultations had Venus somehow tied in with Uranus in their chart. And it's good that they did! Being alone while your husband is stationed overseas isn't for everyone, but these women are wired that way.

This anecdote perfectly encapsulates what we need. Something a bit more unconventional, a bit more bizarre, and a bit more free.


A New Way to Love

Speaking of bizarre, individuals with a square of Venus and Uranus in their natal chart have some of the most unorthodox views of love. Perceptions of love differ from person to person, so we must look at the world at large, which is, for the most part, still pretty traditional. Take, for example, Pope Francis. He is by far the most unorthodox pope ever when it comes to sexuality, although for an average person reading this, he may be extremely conservative. Many of his followers were shocked beyond belief when he said: "Being homosexual is not a crime." And when referring to same-sex partnerships: "(They) Have a right to be in a family." There aren't many examples of such radical views of love by traditional religious leaders, but I am sure if you look into your community, many 'controversial' people will have this aspect.

Some of the people who redefined what "sexy" means were born with Venus-Uranus square: Angelina Jolie, Elvis Presley, Prince, Mila Kunis, Benedict Cumberbatch, Tyra Banks. Nicole Scherzinger, Adam Levine, Russel Brand, Mika, Charles Baudelaire, Robbie Williams, Osho, Nick Cave etc. Some of these people have a more mainstream appeal, while some are sexy for a small niche of people. Nevertheless, we can't deny their influence.

In our lives, we are often wondering: "What is it that I like?" If we are being honest, the answers might surprise us. For some, holding hands differently is surprising, but for others, it might be their undiscovered desire for something extremely unconventional. This Uranus transit might lead you to some unexplored territories.


The Power of Forgiveness

The most powerful form of freedom is letting go of the past. Freedom's most beloved tool is forgiveness. Uranus, as ruler of freedom, and Venus, as ruler of relationships, past and present, allow us to learn how to let go and to reach out to people we need to talk to.

During this time, I recommend you work things out with your exes (if you need to). However, keep in mind that getting back together with people from your past is also a strong possibility right now because Uranus wants to surprise the nervous system, and rarely does anything shake the heart as an old love returning.



Written by Diego T.

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