• Sun Enters Virgo
Sun Enters Virgo

Sun Enters Virgo

August 22nd, 9:55 am CT

As the Sun enters Virgo, we can expect an urge to "fix" or "improve" to hit our lives suddenly. Of course, not all areas are the same, so make sure to check which house Virgo falls into in your natal charts.

Healing, organizing, and improving are the main themes of Virgo. However, sometimes unexpected events have to happen for us to move even a little bit forward. While we often see Virgo as a calm maiden eagerly working on minute details, the truth is, that this sign is more than capable of bringing down old and established structures. To understand this statement we can go by the old saying "pen is mightier than the sword".


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For the individual, this period is about embracing the power of analysis and discernment. You will feel pressure coming down on you from all sides, but before you react, write it down. Write down how you feel and what you should do. There is nothing Virgo energy appreciates more than a bit of organization. This habit will help you not only in the regulation of your emotions, but in stabilizing your diet, creating a more efficient workflow, and clearing out the clutter.

This is the month where you can't expect balance, it will be chaotic, but in a way, Virgo finds it comfortable. That means a lot of organization, categorization, and analysis. Whatever is out of order, make sure is placed right where it belongs, and things will start looking much better with time.



Written by Diego T.

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