September 2nd, 8:55 pm CT
For this New Moon in Virgo embrace the messy side of growth.
There is no cleaning without a mess, there is no need for structure without an occasional chaos. So why would we associate Virgo with only one side of this coin - purity, attention to detail, and organization, when they can swing from comfy perfectionism into total disarray in a heartbeat?
New Moons are about beginnings, planting new seeds, and seizing opportunities. Virgo wants us to organize our business venture, clear things out in relationships, or just sort the mess under our beds. If we let it, Virgo will make every task easier and every strategy more clear using its simple practical magic. But how do we 'let' Virgo do that? Well, we have to first accept the mess we made, appreciate our life stories that don't fit the narrative we are trying to construct, and forgive our 'wild side' from taking over from time to time.
August Zodiac Birthday Candle
September Zodiac Birthday Candle
The Color of the New Moon
There are three aspects on the sky during this lunation that can help us understand the full story. The first one is the Sun opposite Saturn. Opposition usually manifests in relationships, and when Saturn is in the mix, we have a lot of sacrifices and restrictions. Sun represents the ‘self’ - your vital energy and creativity. It is pretty easy to see that to harvest the power of this New Moon, you will have to accept feeling a bit restricted by your partner, family, or friends. Embrace it, the current feeling might be uncomfortable, but the fruits will be sweet.
The second aspect is Mars square Neptune. Squares are tensions that manifest through difficult situations around us. Mars and Neptune create some of the most confusing aspects out there. This is to be expected since Mars represents competition and strength, and Neptune illusions and transcendence. Futile victories and imaginary rivals. But negative things aside, this aspect also represents a fight for our values. So don’t shy away from conflict if it means defending your ideals. Regarding every other confrontation that might come your way, first ask yourself “Is this relevant to my life and goals?”.
The third aspect is Mercury - the fastest planet representing intellect - squaring Uranus, the odd one among the celestial bodies. We will all be surrounded by crazy ideas thrown around without any precautions. Some of them will only annoy us, but the ones that stay with us are here to stay and make a change. In light of this, do not dismiss unconventional approaches too early, but also don't jump on the first exciting plan proposed.
Written by Diego T.