December 1st, 0:21 am CT
Fiery beginnings full of gratitude. That is what New Moon in Sagittarius wants from us. Out of all the things under the Sag domain, this time around, beliefs come the most to light. Both Uranus and Neptune are active in the sky, making all kinds of aspects to Venus, and in the process creating a space where we can easily form new views and shut down the old ones. These new beliefs will come from the direction of radical change (Uranus) and deepening (Neptune) of our relationships (Venus). So, look out for people around you, they have a lot to say.
Imagine you are using an internet browser—let's say it's Google Chrome. You click on settings and then preferences. There, you have an option to turn on what you want to see and off what you want to ignore. Well, preferences are opened automatically by this New Moon, and we better read all the available options because they are limited. And they will stay open for a short amount of time.
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Another thing that you have to keep in mind when it comes to any Sagittarius transit, not just the New Moon, is being careful of what you are saying. Not everything you notice has to be expressed. You aren't even the only person who saw it perhaps. Choose kindness over honesty. If you want to protect yourself from the negativity around you, no matter where it comes from, practice gratitude. All the protection spells and mindsets designed to shield you against toxic people and difficult situations don't come anywhere close to the power of simple gratefulness.
The world is a large place, nobody knows that better than those who move fast, and Sagittarius moves fastest of them all, chasing warmth before the onset of winter. Warmth in forms of humor, friendships, adventure, and the cover of ideologies. How can this world be a better place? - asks Sagittarius itself every day. Well, it's simple, the world becomes better if you do good, it becomes warmer when you follow your beliefs. Start with yourself, be your own teacher and others will follow.
Written by Diego T.