• Connecting Through Play | Full Moon in Gemini
Connecting Through Play | Full Moon in Gemini

Connecting Through Play | Full Moon in Gemini

December 15th, 3:01 am CT
Felt from December 13th until December 18th

Gemini Full Moons are playful and carefree. They are great for refreshing some lost contacts and renewing the connection you have with people around you.

This Gemini Moon isn't easy, mostly because of many crazy aspects happening at the same time. Our love life is raging, and on top of that, because of the square with Neptune, a lot of our old anxieties could creep back into our lives. But, what does a Full Moon do? It illuminates our inner world, so you have nothing to worry about. There might be some hard emotions, but self-awareness should quickly dispel them and light up the situation.

You can use this time to refresh some lost contacts for example. Gemini is making us aware of who we need more of in our lives, so checking in with people might be very useful. Plus Mercury is stationing direct, so communication will be easier.

Full Moon in Gemini creates these environments, so if you don't see enough of them around you, make sure to be the one who manifests them for others.

  • Atmosphere for learning and playing
  • Light approach to heavy topics
  • Ability to juggle many things at once


Area of Transformation This Gemini Full Moon

NOTE: Look for your rising sign

Aries: It is a perfect opportunity for long-awaited conversation, sincerity will uplift you and those around you.

Taurus: Listen to what people around you have to say, they will teach you something that will bring abundance into your life.

Gemini: Your mind will be occupied with questions like ‘Who am I?’; the best way to answer them is to communicate with the people you love the most.

Cancer: You will balance your routine and lifestyle with your inner world, so be prepared to change some habits.

Leo: Use your creativity and good humor to help people around you. Gestures of kindness will kickstart a string of positive events, especially in your social circles.

Virgo: The atmosphere and people at home will help you in your ventures; it is important you feel safe and comfortable during this time.


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Libra: Your skills and what you have learned over the past two weeks will help you find harmony and valuable insights that usher growth.

Scorpio: This Full Moon illuminates the hidden truths, you will release what no longer serves you, and experience profound personal renewal, especially when it comes to psychological blockades.

Sagittarius: You will broaden your horizons, especially when it comes to who you really are, people with interesting stories will play a big role here, listen carefully.

Capricorn: You will strengthen your spiritual foundations which will in turn refine your goals and help you climb toward success.

Aquarius: It is time to do something innovative with your creativity. Foster the connections that spark intellectual discussions.

Pisces: During this Full Moon foster seeing yourself as an authority, trust your instincts, and your higher self will manifest in your life.


Written by Diego T.

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