• Strength or Weakness | Mercury Square Saturn
Strength or Weakness | Mercury Square Saturn

Strength or Weakness | Mercury Square Saturn

December 6th, 7:53 pm CT
Felt from December 1st until December 12th

We see Saturn as a planet that brings obstacles and makes life much harder than it has to be. However, the result of an action is rarely its purpose. Saturn serves as a teacher and a motivator, as someone who needs a lot of time, but in the end, gets what is necessary for growth and success. After all, Saturn is a god of agriculture, and who knows of greater patience than a farmer waiting for his crops and the season of harvest?

The hard aspect of Saturn and Mercury, such as a square, has intrigued me for a long time now, "what happens when someone's mind is fully focused on what has to be done?" On one hand, people with this aspect can easily be very shy and face many obstacles in their ways of communication, mainly the lack of confidence (which so often accompanies Saturn) in their words. On the other hand, Saturn can push an individual to engross themselves in the study of the mind, the way humans access (Mercury) with their intelligence (Sun), and improve (Saturn) upon all of these things.


The Sharp Scientific Focus

We can take the examples of Isaac Newton, Robert Oppenheimer, Niels Bohr, and Charles Darwin... They are all brilliant scientific minds, and they were all fully dedicated to discovering the most fundamental of fundamentals that make this world. I have no doubt in my mind that Saturn pushed them, oftentimes cruelly, into these pursuits. They considered their understanding (Mercury) of the material world (Saturn) to be inadequate and were probably even ashamed of it.

Saturn truly teaches us an important lesson, we should lean on our strengths, but develop in the direction of our weaknesses.


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Apart from scientists, many artists and designers share Mercury square Saturn. Salvador Dali, Steve Jobs, Woody Allen, J.R.R. Tolkien, Hermann Hesse, Christopher Nolan, Aldous Huxley, Post Malone, Nick Cave, Ozzy Osbourne... In their works, you will always feel pessimism (Saturn), like they want to warn us about the bitterness of life. But in the end, if we try hard enough (Saturn), we find the light and righteousness win. They all excel in accessing their imaginations as well, something that only strong Mercury can do.

And lastly, some of the most famous talk show guests share this aspect as well: Jimmy Fallon, Conan O'Brien, Trevor Noah, Anderson Cooper... And I am sure you will find this aspect in the charts of great communicators among your friends and family. These will be the witty perfectionists who claim they are anxious and shy, but when it comes down to public appearances they can charm the heck out of everyone.


How to Use this Transit

Following the examples of these great people, we can take away some lessons for this time. Get lost in work and thoughts, philosophy and literature... Reading or thinking for an extensive period of time becomes easier now. But what about writing, or working? I write for work and for me it has become way more difficult to write, I actually postponed much of my work because of Mercury and Saturn, including this article.

Don't be afraid to seek solitude and take things easy. Not everyone has enough strength to match the intensity necessary to fully utilize this aspect, and that is ok. This aspect is in the sky 4 times a year. This one might be a bit harder for people who have mutable planets in their chart, like Pisces, Gemini, Virgo, and Sagittarius, but the next can be much easier already.


Written by Diego T.

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