December 24th, 3:59 pm CT
Felt from December 1st until January 23rd
So I assume you have spent this Christmas a bit different than usual. The people around you might have been the same, the conversations revolved around similar issues and festivities as usual, and you might have been almost unchanged from last year. But in all of that, I bet you somehow wondered "Does it have to be like this?" But that is always the question, isn't it? How far can I push to get answers? How different can I be before hurting someone I care for?
Their faces show what they are going through. We have Toby Maguire, Louis XIV of France, Chester Bennington of Linkin Park, Marie Curie, Woody Allen, Russel Brand, Cher, Mel Gibson, Angelina Jolie, Lady Gaga, Queen Elizabeth, David Beckham, Nicola Tesla, Sigmund Freud, Cher, Fidel Castro, etc.
While opinions on these people are very divided, that isn't so because they are opportunists or unpleasant characters but because they decided to express their voice at the wrong moment and the wrong place. These are the people who challenge the norm in one way or another. It might not be the norm that has to be reinvented, but they will voice their displeasure.
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Up to the Task
In addition to making us more annoying (or revolutionizing in some cases), the combination of Jupiter and Saturn asks: "Are you up to the task?" Jupiter is our ideology and good fortune, while Saturn wants to put order into everything it touches. Are the things that we do day to day, our job, our hobbies, and the people we surround ourselves with enough? If not, what is missing?
Use this time to see if you want to live the way you are living and if the answer is 'no,' then make the necessary changes. Wealth (Jupiter) isn't the source of happiness, but money provide opportunities to chase the dreams and change the world (Saturn) how we see fit. That is where happiness comes from, from the purpose and the chase. Do you have that where you are right now in life? The best question you can ask yourself is 'Do I like my current quest?'
One in Three
Jupiter-Saturn conjunction comes in threes. This is the second one, while the first one happened on August 19th. Remember where you were around that date in August and what was going on in your head. If you have Jupiter in 5th, 7th, or 8th you might have started a relationship. If Jupiter is in 2nd, 6th, or 10th something changed in your career... I am confident in predicting this because we are dealing with the square which is the aspect of manifestation; its tensions carry on into the real world.
The second conjunction is a time for reevaluation. How are the decisions you made working out for you? The third conjunction on June 15th will bring a resolution. In the case of Jupiter-Saturn, the resolution is always "a new order"
"A New Order"
Jupiter and Saturn are slow-moving planets which means they affect society more than personal life. I don't know about you but I have felt how December brought many changes. I feel more content like things have fallen into the right place and order has been reestablished. Let me know if you feel the same in the comments.
The culture war against the upper echelons of society, the toppling of a regime in Syria, the massive protests in Georgia and Serbia, the fight against the injustice of the health system in the USA... Even the chaos makes more sense during this conjunction. The hope and vision (Jupiter) of the upcoming order (Saturn) gives beauty to the chaos.
Written by Diego T.